Wednesday 13 May 2009


Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Melissa Miller and I am a writer, wife and mother with a passion for creative parenting.  

The Captain and I became parents eight years ago, when our first daughter, Emma, was born. Like a lot of new parents, I was overwhelmed by the new responsibility and desperately sought out resources to help make sense of every coo and cry. As Emma got older and her sister, Mouse, came along, new challenges came apparent as sibling rivalry entered the mix. Now, as the mother of two school-aged kids, I have the time and energy to share some of my hard-won wisdom with others and to help brainstorm solutions with you, the creative parent.  

So, if you have solution you'd like to share or dilemma in need of attention send it on. Parenting is an occupation with endless challenges and boundless rewards. Don't be afraid to ask for help — or a pat on the back.


  1. This is a special talent you have and I wish you the best of success with this blog

  2. Wow and so the 'Kids do Come with a Manual' is born... congratulations Meliss, can't wait to keep reading!

  3. Hi Melissa,

    I am looking forward to following this new blog. As the saying goes, It's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. I am sure that I will pick up some insights which will come in handy when interacting with my grand-kids, Emma and Mouse.

